Ratsupport Demo Family History Database

by Ratsupport.com

This database was created to allow users to track their Family History.

IMPORTANT !! If you Signed In then Please Sign Out after completing data entry. Please realize the data in this database requires the users to have good security proceedures.

This is a demonstration database to show the use and versitility of this type application.
Please don't get offended by entrys in this database as all people have a different sense of humor.
If offended just contact us or close the browser page.

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Application to Track Family History

This Database was created by Ratsupport.com for any person to enjoy the Family History or Sign Up and become a tester.

Go to Ratsupport Demo Server's Application Page.

Go to the Ratsupport Demo Server's Home Page.

Some helpful presentations for this application:n
General Help on Ratsupport Database Use.
Basic Use of Family History Database.
Administrator Useage Presentation.

This Humor database exists for the enjoyment and fun of users.
There is no intention to hurt anyone's feelings but, humor is humor. It just may not be your Humor,
so if offended you can contact us or just close your browser window.